People are constantly saying things that aren’t true – things that cause them to feel justified in treating me like garbage. The answer to all three questions is the same thing: Misinformation. So, what caused the harassment to begin in the first place, what caused it to continue for multiple years, and what caused it to become so widespread? If the harassment had never happened, Osana would have been released years ago, and the game might even be finished by now. I cannot possibly overstate how much of an impact the harassment has had on development. But, in 2020, a new wave of harassment began, and so my productivity plummeted like a rock. In 2019, the harassment subsided, and my productivity began to return. The harassment continued throughout 2018, so my productivity stayed low. In 2017, my productivity fell like a rock as a result of the harassment I was receiving. In 2016, my productivity was great I was kicking ass and working fast. If I had to explain it with a graph, it would look like this: Receiving all kinds of abuse and mistreatment on a daily basis gradually impacted my mental health, resulting in depression, lost enthusiasm, lost motivation, and most importantly, lost productivity. I wish I could be an emotionless robot or a solid stone wall that is not affected by this stuff, but the truth is that, yes, it has affected me. Many content creators receive harassment, but what people have been doing to me has gone far above and beyond what a person usually experiences on the Internet. Spam me with gifs of people being killed, dead bodies, pictures of mutilated genitals, gore, scat porn, bestiality, animal abuse, gifs of animals getting killed, etc.Submit false reports to the police in an attempt to get the SWAT team to show up at my house.Try to convince my team members to stop contributing to the project.Flag all of my social media to try to get my accounts banned.Send me lengthy essays telling me why I should kill myself.This was the point in time when people began to: Starting around January 2017, I began to receive massive amounts of harassment. I never divulged the details, but now that the situation has intensified, it has become necessary to talk about it. In this blog post, I’ll attempt to explain the problem.Ĥ3 seconds into this video from January 16th, 2017, I made a vague comment about how “a lot of stuff going on in my personal life took up a lot of my time, and took a lot of my attention away from Yandere Simulator”.
Yandere Simulator has been in development for over 7 years.